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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  July 30, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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live, this is kron4 news at 11:00. and you're looking at a live shot of the capital building in the wee hours. tonight the united states just days away from not being able to pay its bills. that is if the debt ceiling deadline is not extended. as of this hour, lawmakers do not have a deal in place. the senate is expected to vote on a democratic plan tomorrow after two previous proposals were turned down. stan case updates us now on the debt ceiling debate on capitol hill. >> the u.s. house and senate continue to debate the debt limit this weekend as political leaders scramble to make a deal by tuesday's deadline. republican leaders are optimistic that a compromise can be made. >> our country is not going to default for the first time in
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history. that is not going to happen. >> senator mcconnell and i are both confident that we are going to be able to come to some agreement with the white house and in this impasse. >> president obama called harry reid and house minority leader back to the white house to work out a deal to raise the debt ceiling. >> we have the ability to change that still today. before the 12:00 hour passes, we can still do this. we can still change this. >> senate majority leader, harry reid's debt plan did not pass the republican controlled house saturday. possible payback for the rejection of john boehner's bill, the evening before. >> if a compromise is not reached by tuesday, the u.s. faces not being able to pay all of its bills on time. something that will affect thousands of americans and something president obama says can be avoided. >> that will be inexcusable. self-inflicted by washington. the power to solve this is in
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our hands. >> i think i would like to see all of them have to trade places with us. and let them try and live on what we don't have. >> stan case, kron4 news. >> a compromise may be in the works. the two sides are coming from different places. kron4 shows us the contrasting opinions coming from a democratic senator and a leader for the republican based tea party. >> while the clock is ticking, the pressure is on for democrats and republicans to reach a compromise on the u.s. debt plan. i asked representatives from parties on both sides of the issue why the budget is now connected to the debt ceiling deadline. >> in our history, no one has ever connected the budget or budget cuts to increasing the debt ceiling. remember 89 times it's been passed clean. this time republicans said we're sorry, we're not doing it. >> this isn't really about the debt ceiling. the debt ceiling is only a
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symptom of a bigger problem and that is the enormous amount of dead that we have. >> democrats say they have a plan to cut $2.4 trillion from the deficit over the next ten years. exactly what republicans want, but still there's no deal. >> it looks to me they are playing politics with this. they want meet me half way. they won't walk toward us at all. this is a made up crisis and everybody has something at stake. >> i asked the tea party if they think this is a made up crisis. >> of course it's fabricated. it's not real. it's never been we are going to default on our debt. the threat sabt the size of debt that we have. >> as for how this deal will end, leaders from both parties touch on what they're hoping for. >> i would like to see a cut, cap, and balance passed. it cuts spending, it caps the amount of spending and i would
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like a balanced budget amendment. there's no reason we have to continue down the same path. >> i'm hoping now cooler heads will prevail and there will be a compromise. there's a time for politics. there's a time for governing. this is the time to govern. >> nicole, kron4 news. >> if the two sides cannot compromise, it could have a devastating effect on the u.s. economy and most americans. grant continues our team coverage and shows how it would affect you. >> what if a compromise can't be reached? what would that do @ average person? rob black says the biggest impact would be rising interest rates. if you have an adjustable home loan, that would go up, meaning you'd have to pay more each month. if you are paying off student loans, those would go higher. and it would go from hard to harder. if your loan has a 5% interest rate, for example, it would likely go up to about 6%. experts say the market would
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get crushed. losing about 30%, which is why some say this would turn into a global economic crisis. but most insiders believe things like social security and active military will still get paid, even if the u.s. does default. i'm grant lotis, kron4 news. >> the only city in bankruptcy will leave that title behind a. federal judge cleared the way for vallejo to emerge from bankruptcy. what it will mean for the people of a vallejo. >> city officials say vallejo survived the last three years by cutting core services to the bone. they cut the police force by almost half. 47%. the fire department also saw a 42% reduction. >> it's an embarrassment. it's a stigma. our citizens will be happy to be relieved of that, i'm sure.
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>> vallejo is expected to emerge next week. >> i don't think they'll see any immediate changes. >> it will be a while before the city can bring back all of the core services. the city manager says they are taking small steps. the city is looking to hire three police officers and 12 firefighters. also, the city just hire an economic director. her job is to attract new businesses and generate some much-needed tax dollars. >> we are not going to appeal to new business new mexico we done everything we can. until we have a city that is financially healthy, clean, and as free of crime as we can make it. >> councilwoman says emerging from bankruptcy doesn't mean the city is free and clear. she believes the city still has a tough road ahead. in vallejo, i'm don, kron4
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news. >> pushing into the bay for tonight. it made it into oakland. completely socked into santa rosa. the sierra, a busy day today, especially around yosemite. showers, thunderstorms producing heavy rain and large hail as well. these thunderstorms will be around again for tomorrow. but some of the closed from those storms could make their way over the bay area. in the morning, we'll see low clouds initially. the fog will stretch from the coast to the inland valleys, even some drizzle with the fog clearing slowly. it's going to start out in the east bay, clearing 8:00 a.m., then around noon for san francisco. for the an, look for high clouds and continued mild temperatures. i'll fell you what to expect coming up. >> a string of burglaries is
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hitting one community. coming up, what police are doing. >> we'll show you what race organizers say you can expect. it's really delicious, mom.
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it's not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you're done, i'd love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. in the network, everyone can get along.
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the gilroy garlic festival attracts more than 100,000 people to gilroy. it started friday and goes through sunday. kron4 shows us all the festival has to offer this weekend. >> they are called the pyro chefs and cranking out calamari by the pound and the flames are not just for show. the high heat is necessary to make the calamari nice and crispy. garlic bread, garlic mushrooms, and garlic ice cream. thousands were enjoying, eating and eating. adding garlic. it's a celebration of everything garlic and it's a good time for everyone. eating isn't the only thing to
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do. a rock climbing tower, professional classes, teaching the conned they have been eating. plenty of shopping, too. they had their wears on display. the festival runs through monday. ckoon4 news. >> the other is making plans for next year. the move being made for the giants and a's as the trade den line nears. ♪
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[ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity.
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♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. you have arrived. sweet belt. e-reader for textbooks. gps. hd video cam for lectures. game pad. have you ever considered this ? it's got all that and more than 200,000 apps. technology to learn and play on-the-go. only at verizon. buy one droid 3 by motorola, the thinnest full qwerty smartphone ever for $199.99, and get another one free.
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we are following a developing story out of iran. two americans jailed on charges could be released after a court hearing slated for tomorrow. experts believe the fact that the session in the trial of josh fatal and shape bower from the bay area, who is from the bay area coincides with the second anniversary of their arrest, which may indicate they
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will be freed. the muslim world -- the two men and bower's fiance were detained after iran accused them of illegally crassing the border to spy. belmont police are investigating a string of burglaries. szen were reported last week. more on the crime watch in belmont. >> the two burglaries early saturday morning occurred while the residents were home and that has police concerned. >> it could be that it's a secluded wooded area that is dark at night. it might play into it. also there is the possibility that the suspects live somewhere in the neighborhood. we don't know yet. we are looking at all options. >> aren'ts hearing their garage door aping, only to ties corvee are able to -- the suspect stole a mountain bike from the garage and fled. within a half hour of that
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incident, one street over on pile, a homeowner awoke to the sound of theiring dogs barking and realized money was mising and the suspect entered the house through an unlocked rear window. neighbors are surprised to hear account the recent crime. >> it's a safe neighborhood. but i think even needs to be a little more cautious. >> police received calls on a half dozen other incidents on nearby streets. >> approximately six vehicles were entered. change and small items like that. all of those vehicles were unlocked, just like the two vehicles the barly houses. >> police say the one common theme is that the target suspects unlocked vehicles. they are reminding everyone to removalables and keep nose
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doors locked. no belmont, crime 4 news. >> fares are going up. the 31 day pass goes up to $151.20. for youth, the fair increases by 5 to $10. if you buy the monthly pass, you will not be affected. >> that's when the san francisco mar gone gets api. f lanes on doifl drive will be closed. despite the tough task of getting the city ready, the officials are excited. >> so this year we have five events. a full marathon, two half marathons, a 5k and a kids fun run. and we have art and music all along the course. lots of cheer stations. we have sophia busch from "one
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tree hill." as will apollo, and jarred is also running our 5k. here's a really cool shot from our mt. tam cam earlier this evening. a river of fog flog on shore. that fog is going all the way into the east ball valley toward concord into fairfield. it's going to be a cloudy start, but it happens normally in the 70s. san hey say checking in at number 20 m for tomorrow, the san francisco marathon is taking place and conditions will be good for running. when you run, you get all hot and the temperature will be cool. that's at least what i've heard. fog and drizzle for tomorrow morning with cool temperatures
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in the mid 70s. the garlic festival, we're going it see a beautiful day. mostly sunny with temperatures in the afternoon, making it up into the mid 80s. lots of low clouds for morning and the fog like it did today is going to be slow to clear. it's going to part around 1:00 in the morning. 9:00 a.m. for san jose. taking a while. the fog finally clearing out of san francisco about nonand the clouds hang. all this fog, temperatures will be below average. we'll see supper 70s. we are in the low to mid 80s. pittsburgh 85. same for livermore. morning clouds and late making sunshine. 71, 74 castor valley. 65 the high for san francisco. that's just about what we had
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today. a very similar day tomorrow. highs from the north bay making it into the toy. 77 for santa rosa. here's the seven-day. note much changed. if you like the weather like, enjoy. it's not going to flux wait much at all. especially inland. less fog in the morning hours. we'll stey thous numbers bump up a little bit. generally a very typical summer weather pattern with the morning fog and the afternoon sunshine and high temperatures close to average in the low to mid 70s by the bay and 80s inland. >> the giants have traded for a veteran infielder, orlando cabrera. aaa thomas neil to the cleveland engines. cabrera won a championship with the boston red sox in 2004.
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he is expected to take over. sources are saying a trade that would val had the oakland raiders has fallen through. the a's would receive first mates prospect and a player to be name later. either team is officially comment on the panel deal. >> are you tired of pounding the pavement looking for work? a new for that will help you get paid by walking around.
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time now for tech talk with gabe. >> there's a new smart phone application that will pay you for basically walking around with your smart phone. easy money. >> it's called gig walk. you can down load it online or through the apple app store. gig walk will request little jobs for you to perform and pay you for them. jobs like in the picture of a front of a business, like a
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restaurant, confirming business hours, or picture of a menu at a restaurant. it's easy on site location tasks. like verifying a street name reporting on red light cameras. one job i saw asked for the exact rules of an intersection about turning on red. a lot of mapping traffic stuff and a lot of restaurants. there's a ton of these easy little gigs they are paying for in the bay area. it's easy work for you because you are only shown the gigs. you will see the gigs on a moop. you could pay easy money. you are paid through papal once you sign up and officially become a gig walker. which is free to do. the company behind gig walk claims the most active are making as much as $1200 a month. they sell this digital information to all kinds of websites and apps that yows detailed investigation,
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mapping, and images. it's like turning smart phone users into a mobile work force. interesting business plan. it makes sense. think of all the websites and smart phone applications that need help. there are a lot of people using their smart phones to look up places to eve. for now, gig walk works with the iphone, but probably expand in the near future. maybe earn some cash, log on to >> we have the big san francisco marathon tomorrow. good running weather. >> yes. as a spectator maybe not the best weather, but i have heard that they like it when it's cool. >> great marathon weather. cool day in san francisco. a high of 65 for the afternoon. 79 for san jose and the warmest places inland in the low to mid
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80s. that's not too bad. we are typically in the 90s. but 87 is as warm as it gets. >> it will inspire you to run. >> that's it for us. good night, everybody. it's really delicious, mom.
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it's not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you're done, i'd love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. in the network, everyone can get along.


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